Millard High School
Performing Arts Department
Disney Land
April 8th-11th 2020
The students from the Millard High Chamber Choir
and Film Making classes are planning on going to Disney Land!
Here are the details you need to know.
(The draft itinerary is attached on the right
under the suggested payment schedule)
Sign-ups have closed.
The full amount of the money is due by the end of January.
This is NOT a mandatory trip.
Students are responsible for raising their
own funds for the trip.
*All monies need to be paid to the office and
redeem the receipt to Mr. Tarbet.
-Per Person students and chaperones $450
(Per District Policy, the price has to be the same for both)
These prices include the cost of the following:
-Bus (Approx $150 per seat)
-2 nights in a hotel (Approx. $100 total per occupant)
-Disney Workshop and park tickets total $200
Workshop Overview:
Created for performers of all abilities, this 90-minute workshop's goal is to achieve gratifying, consistent performances for your ensemble. Led by professional entertainers, the course takes students through fun, improvisational exercises to magnify key performance concepts and equip students with the tools to make both individual and collective performances shine.
National Core Arts Standards:
Disney Performing Arts Workshops fulfill many of the National Core Arts Standards for creation, performing, responding and connecting. Review the standards explored through this experience.
-2 day Disney Park Hopper Pass ($200 Per Student counting the workshop)
These prices DO NOT include the following:
-11ish meals.
-The hotel may or may not provide breakfast.
-Might be safe to plan on roughly $15 per meal.
​ *** Please expect a phone call from our office staff to survey parents to see if this is a worthwhile trip.
*** When the parent is surveyed it does not commit them or their student to attend the trip.