Millard High School
Performing Arts Department
This class is intended to have students enhance their skills with a DSLR camera or with the camera on their phone. Below are some resources and some links for them to submit work.
Students, please download the picture below to your phone or somewhere convenient. It's a cheat sheet that will come in handy.
Here are some quick references to the main settings you will be adjusting.
In most cases you want to keep the meter at '0'. When you adjust the meter you are usually adjusting the 'F Stop'
AKA 'F Stop'
-Smaller Number=Wide Aperture=Less in Focus
-Bigger Number=Narrow Aperture=More in Focus
-Bigger Fraction/Whole Number=Slow shutter=More light
-Smaller Fraction/Whole Number=Fast Shutter=Less Light
(International Organization for Standardization)
Those are fancy words for how sensitive the sensor is on your camera.
-Low Number=Low sensitivity to light=Smoother picture
-High Number=High sensitivity to light=Grainier picture
All Photography students will watch the instructional videos on each photography topic and take original pictures to accomplish the photography assignments. All assignments are to be turned in on Google Classroom. That is also where the due dates are posted.
Click the button for a rubric of how each assignment will be graded.
Picture Assignment list:
-Fast Shutter Speed (x5)
-Slow Shutter Speed (x5)
-Rule of Thirds (x5)
-Leading Lines (x5)
-Perspective (x5)
-Time Lapse (5x)
-Negative Space (5x)
-Positive Space (5X)
-Assumed Context Portrait (5x)
-Environmental Portrait (5x)
-Final Project (x10+)
The final project is a group of 10 pictures or more that all relate to each other in some way or another. All project ideas must be approved by Mr. Tarbet also by Dec 4th.
All assignments need to be submitted in google classroom where it assigned. If you have questions about this please let me know.